How To Reset Your Garage Door After A Power Outage

How To Reset Your Garage Door After A Power Outage

Experiencing a lot of power outages lately resulting in you having troubles with opening your overhead garage doors?

Worry not as we are here to help you out.

Having to deal with your garage doors after a power outage can be quite frustrating.

This is most especially true if you have no idea how to get your door functioning again afterward.

And with your garage door not functioning in you, it can result in a lot of problems for you such as getting stuck inside your garage, and etc.

But what exactly can you do if you find yourself in a situation such as this?

Well, if you are interested, then let us find out together below how to reset your garage door after a power outage.

Garage door opener – what is it and why it is not functioning on you

If you are using a garage door opener at home and your doors suddenly do not open on you, it is possible that there is a power outage within your area.

This happens because your garage door opener no longer has the required power to lift open your overhead garage doors.

However, you do not have to worry much as once the power comes back, your door’s opener will be back to functioning properly in no time.

Before we get to the different things you can do in case you find yourself having a power outage, let us first begin by getting to know what a garage door opener is.

A garage door opener is a mechanism that aids in lifting your garage doors open and close so that you do not have to do it manually.

Thanks to your garage door openers, opening your doors can be done with a click of a button or switch.

Now there are a lot of possible reasons why your garage door openers are malfunctioning on you.

One of the most common reasons for such a thing happening is a power outage in your area.

When this happens, your garage door is not functioning because it does not have the required power to keep itself functioning.

If this is exactly the case for you then you do not have to worry a lot as this is one of the least problematic causes.

It can easily be resolved by providing your openers with an alternate power source or by waiting for the electricity to come back.

Opening your garage doors manually during a power outage

If you are stuck inside your garage door during a power outage, then here is how you can open your garage doors manually.

As long as you follow these steps accordingly, opening your garage doors will be the least of your problems.

The different steps are as follows:

1. Before you do anything, make sure that your garage doors are completely closed. This is so you do not find yourself getting injured by your door suddenly falling down on you.

2. Once the door is closed completely, disconnect your garage door opener from your doors by pulling on the emergency release cord.

3. Lift your garage doors open.

4. Keep it disconnected until the power supply comes back so you do not have to keep disconnecting it all the time.

Just be careful when performing these steps and make sure that you follow all of them properly.

After all, the last thing we want to happen to you is for you to get injured while attempting to open your garage doors manually.

Resetting your garage door after a power outage

During a power outage, most of you would want to disengage your garage doors and have your openers unplugged from the power source.

And this is completely normal if you want to be able to use your garage doors and lift them open manually.

However, once the power shortage ends, you will surely want them to get reattached again and have the opener open your doors for you.

After all, doing so is more convenient than lifting your garage door openers manually.

But how exactly can you do this?

Well, here are the different things you should do and follow if you want to know how to reset your garage door after a power outage.

1. The very first thing you need to do if you want to reconnect your garage door openers is to have your garage doors closed.

2. Pull the emergency release cord toward your door. This will allow for it to reconnect your opener and your garage doors.

3. Reconnect the trolley to your garage door opener’s carriage.

4. Plug your garage door opener into the power source.

5. Try opening your garage doors using your remote or your wall-mounted switch to check their functionality.


Resetting your garage door after a power outage can be quite easy to do.

In fact, there are a lot of how to reset your garage door after a power outage tutorial online you can refer to.

All of which are relatively easy to understand and to follow.

As long as you make sure to follow the steps properly, you should not have any problems resetting your garage doors.

However, if your garage doors still do not open even after you have reconnected your openers to your doors, then something else could be wrong with your garage doors.

When this happens, give our company – Kald Gart Garage Doors – a call so we can see how we can help you out with your problem.

We offer a wide range of garage door-related services from garage door installation to residential and commercial garage door repair services.

This being said, we will surely be able to fix whatever may be wrong with your garage doors.

What are you waiting for?

Set up an appointment with us now and allow our team to help you out with your garage door problem today.

Choose Kald Gart Garage Doors now!

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David Martin

David Martin

Servicing garage doors for over a decade has thought me a thing or two about garage doors. In this blog I will try to share with you all I've learned over the years. I hope you find these tips helpful for a DIY fix before paying for a technician. If you still need help, don't hesitate to give us a call.